Thursday, June 11, 2020

6 new Android apps you might like to try

Every day a group of mobile applications arise, especially the Android system in this world, of course, which is useful and worthy of experience and has a promising future, and some of them are just trivial applications that their owners made for deception and profit only. And because we are keen to provide you with the best applications in the field we will provide you with this article. This article aims to review 10 new and useful applications for you that will help you more in developing your phone content and pumping some new blood into your smartphone, so come see us.
10 new Android apps you might like to try

1 - Quibi application
It is a new application that appeared recently and created a lot of media hype in some famous technical sites. The goal of the app is to provide short content that you can watch at any time. The application is generally paid, but you can get a full 3-month experience for free.

To bring you closer to Quibi, it mainly aims to provide videos, episodes of famous series, comic clips, educational videos and a lot ..., and what distinguishes all this content is that it is short in terms of duration. The application wants to provide you with content that you can watch while drinking a quick cup of coffee, a break at school / work, or while you are riding a train, and the application does not want to provide you with content of 30 minutes or more, such as episodes of series that require a long time to watch.
The application is currently only available in some countries, and may be available all over the world soon.

2- Familiar application
Heard Deep Fake? It is a technique that allows you to change a character in a video, image, or even a gif by qgvb in another character, for example you can take a letter to a specific boss and then take a picture of your face and put yourself in place of the president, and it will become as if you were the one delivering the speech. In Deep Fake, the image mimics all expressions, all words, mouth movements, and everything for that. This makes Deep Fake much more persuasive than Photoshop and other modifications. You can learn more about the Deep Fake here. Familiar application takes a picture of you or any image of any person, then changes it in a group of pre-existing Gifs and you can then store it or share it with your friends. The application is fun and its aim is to have fun and manipulation only with pictures and add your face to new pictures and so on.

3 - COVID Symptom Tracker App
Today, we live in a climate of fear and anxiety due to the spread of the "Corona" virus (or its scientific name Covid-19). People are normal, and when it is diagnosed, it is automatically diagnosed by those who have it. COVID Symptom Tracker, an app that helps people track their health in order to know if they are infected with the virus or not at first, simply the application asks you a set of health questions every day in a period not exceeding just a minute, questions such as: how do you feel? do you feel the heat ? Can you hold your breath for 10 seconds, for example? ..., through all the health information that you provide, the application tells you in the end that you have to visit a doctor, or stay in your home.

4 - Roostoo app
Many of us want to start in the field of trading and more precisely trading digital currencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple ..., but the weakness of experience and fear of loss makes you completely back away from this, but with the Roostoo app you may think again about starting in this field . The application in a nutshell is an application that saves some imaginary money in the application you choose (for example 100 dollars in the form of bitcoin) and you start trading it in the middle of the platform such as buying and selling and others, you can compete with other friends also if they are joined to the platform, with the time and the habit will become An expert in the field of trading in digital currencies, after which you can move to a real platform and buy digital currencies and start in the field of trading.

5 - Airsite app
Have you ever thought about making a website or webpage, but unfortunately, you don't have a good computer? And you just want to use the smartphone but also find it difficult to write the code and so on? So we suggest that you try the Airsite app. Airsite is a free and unique application that allows you to create beautifully and simple web pages and websites, it is closer to the Wix platform if you hear about it so that the application gives you a set of templates according to your web page and you can modify them completely and extract them in the last one. Beautiful in all of this, the official website of Airsite is built using the application and this may give you a glimpse of what you will encounter on the platform and what you can create through the application.

6 - Acture App
Many of us waste hours and hours using our smartphone without any benefit, so we only spend hours browsing endless and endless videos, which is just ridiculous addiction that may be difficult to get rid of. So we suggest this new Acture app that comes with a huge advantage for those who want to quit a little bit on the heavy use of their smartphone. The application provides you with the lock of your smartphone, and it does not allow you to browse it until after you tell it the reason that you want to open your phone, for example, once you hold your phone in your hand it tells you: "What exactly do you want to do? Decide now before you open the phone" You tell him, for example, that you want Browse your e-mail and then open and provide e-mail for you. Then, you lock your phone and put it away, and return the ball over and over again so that you can finally short of excessive use of your phone at nothing.

Carolyn Author: Carolyn

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