Thursday, June 11, 2020

Software techniques you can learn in 24 hours

It may seem strange and unreasonable, so how can you learn techniques in only 24 hours? Is this really possible? Is this an article Clickbait again? Was I cheated? No, in fact it is not so at all, by moving away from programming languages that require weeks and mastery of years, there are other side programming software that can help you and improve your programming capabilities in the long and short term, when we talk about software technologies we are not talking about programming languages Specifically, but rather to techniques used by the software during the implementation of a software project, and what is most of course.

In this article, we will try to inform you about a set of simple software technologies, with greater effectiveness, that will increase your productivity a lot a lot, and most important of all that you can learn it in only 24 hours, dear reader, so watch one video for an hour or two and then apply the instructions in some hours The other one will make you a professional in this technique and master it in less than one day only!
Learn the Git
Git is one of the most prominent software technologies that any programmer in this world should be able to use. Git helps you manage your software project in a platform like Github, Gitlab or Bitbucket. For those who will hear about the Git for the first time, it is a technology that provides you with the Version Control feature, i.e. managing your project copies, for example if you are developing a website and making Navbar you can publish your project on one of the previous platforms, and each time you accomplish a simple task You can upload new codes to the platform, here if the project is destroyed or messed up, or you find yourself that the project is no longer running, you can only return to the last version you published and change your project to.

Not only that, the Git allows you to manage the project among a group of people, so that you can divide the project into Branches, then give a branch to each person within the team, and then group all (Merge) into one programmatic project, thus everyone can work on the same project in harmony And professional. Fortunately the Git is not that difficult to learn, as with a set of command lines that you have to understand and know how it works, you can get a professional git and know the basics of dealing with it, and you can literally learn it in less than 24 hours my friend.

Learn the SASS / LESS / STYLUS
If you use the CSS directly, you may have some problems managing the code or even performing some tasks such as storing variables or setting the condition (if) to apply a specific style when achieving a specific condition, or even the implementation of loops, but all This cannot be accomplished using CSS. Therefore, web developers resort to relying on so-called Preprocessors such as SASS, LESS or STYLUS, as the latter allows you to write more professional and intelligent CSS code, you can use many techniques in the Preprocessors that make CSS closer to the programming language, You can deal with the condition, iterative loops, and even mathematical operations (for example, you can update a specific font size, for example 15px, and then manipulate it mathematically so that the large font size of the font is font + 5px, and small headlines font - 5px, and so on). All of the Preprocessors codes are finally translated into CSS Minified code which is what makes them widely used. Fortunately, learning it is not that difficult, and one simple video is able to make you master the SASS for example, since it depends on the CSS in a very large percentage, and it is sufficient to learn the CSS first before accessing it.

Learn the Webpack / Yarn / Gulp
If you want to start using one of the previous Preprocessors like Sass in your software project, you will find many ways to do that may be the easiest to install Ruby and dealing with compass only, but the matter will always remain abstract out of the actual structure of the project. In fact, web projects always need what is called the Module Bundler, and it is a library or framework that allows you to create the software project and customize it as needed. For example, if you want to create a site that depends on the Vuejs and uses the Sass and maybe I want to use too The Eslint as well as others, you can do that using one of the popular Module Bundlers. The most famous of which is currently the Webpack, it allows you to create a software project and customize it in terms of everything, whether using Sass / Less in the Css, relying on Typescript / Bible in JavaScript, or even relying on technologies like Pug in HTML, plus On that, it allows you to add external libraries, and update the old libraries, and do not forget that it extracts the production program (Production) at the end with high technologies (such as reducing the size of images, reducing the CSS, JavaScript and others). The Webpack isn't the only one, there are a lot of Module Bundlers technologies the most famous of which are Yarn and Gulp, which you also learn will make it easier for you to manage your web project with complete professionalism. All of these techniques are not difficult, and depend on the command line and some JavaScript sometimes, and you only need a little to learn it, my friend.
Learn the Restful API
There is no doubt that you hear the API now greatly in the programming world, if you want to solve any programming problem perhaps or obtain a set of data and data, the first thing that you put in your mind: “Is there an API that can do the thing?”, And the answer will always be yes. The API is an acronym for the phrase Application Programming Interface, and with a less complex explanation, a site, platform, entity or person provides a set of data that you can send and receive (via the Post and Get technologies in the Restful), to get a set of data on Json format that you can later manipulate as you want. The API is not really that complicated, all you need to know is the Json, which does not need anything but to know how to write and read the Json code.

Carolyn Author: Carolyn

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